Saturday, August 31, 2019

Night World : Secret Vampire Chapter 3

All Poppy could think of was the pretty bald girl inthe gift shop. Cancer. â€Å"But-but they can do something about it, can'tthey?† she said, and even to her own ears her voice sounded very young. â€Å"I mean-if they had to, theycould take my pancreasout†¦.† â€Å"Oh, sweetheart, of course. â€Å"Poppy's mother took Poppy in her arms. â€Å"I promise you; if there's some thing wrong, we'll do anything and everything to fix it. I'd go to the ends of the earth to make you well. You knowthat. And at this point we aren't even sure that there issomething wrong. Dr. Franklin said that it's extremely rare for teenagers to get a tumor in the pancreas. Extremely rare. So let's not worry about things until we have to.† Poppy felt herself relax; the pit was covered again. But somewhere near her core she still felt cold. â€Å"I haveto call James.† Her mother nodded. â€Å"Just make it quick.† Poppy kept her fingers crossed as she dialedJames's apartment. Please be there, please be there, she thought. And for once, he was. He answered laconically, but as soon as he heard her voice, he said, â€Å"What's wrong?† â€Å"Nothing-well, everything. Maybe.† Poppy heardherself give a wild sort of laugh. It wasn't exactly alaugh. â€Å"What happened?† James said sharply. â€Å"Did youhave a fight with Cliff?† â€Å"No. Cliff's at the office. And I'm going into thehospital.† â€Å"Why?† â€Å"They think I might have cancer.† It was a tremendous relief to say it, a sort of emo tional release. Poppy laughed again. Silence on the other end of the line. â€Å"Hello?† â€Å"I'm here,† James said. Then he said, â€Å"I'm coming over.† â€Å"No, there's no point. I've got to leave in a minute.† She waited for him to say that he'd come and see her in the hospital, but he didn't. â€Å"James, would you do something for me? Wouldyou find out whatever you can about cancer in the pancreas? Just in case.† â€Å"Is that what they think you have?† â€Å"They don't know for sure. They're giving me some tests. I just hope they don't have to use any needles.† Another laugh, but inside she was reeling. She wished James would say something comforting.†I'll see what I can find on the Net.† His voice was unemotional, almost expressionless. â€Å"And then you can tell me later-they'll probablylet you call me at the hospital.† â€Å"Yeah.† â€Å"Okay, I have to go. My mom's waitin†Ã¢â‚¬ Take care of yourself.† Poppy hung up, feeling empty. Her mother wasstanding in the doorway.†Come on, Poppet. Let's go.† James sat very still, looking at the phone withoutseeing it. She was scared, and he couldn't help her. He'dnever been very good at inspirational small talk. It wasn't, he thought grimly, in his nature. To give comfort you had to have a comfortableview of the world. And James had seen too much of the world to have any illusions. He could deal with cold facts, though. Pushingaside a pile of assorted clutter, he turned on his lap top and dialed up the Internet. Within minutes he was using Gopher to search theNational Cancer Institute's CancerNet. The first file he found was listed as â€Å"Pancreatic cancer-Patient.†He scanned it. Stuff about what the pancreas did,stages of thedisease, treatments.Nothingtoo gruesome. Thenhewentinto â€Å"PancreaticcancerPhysician–a file meant for doctors. The first lineheld him paralyzed. Cancer of the exocrine pancreas is rarely curable. His eyes skimmed down the lines. Overall survival rate †¦ metastasis †¦ poor response to chemotherapy, ra diation therapy and surgery †¦ pain †¦ Pain. Poppy was brave, but facing constant painwould crush anyone. Especially when the outlook for the future was so bleak. He looked at the top of the article again. Overallsurvival rate less than three percent. If the cancer had spread, less than one percent. There must be more information. James wentsearching again and came up with several articles from newspapers and medical journals. They wereeven worse than the NCI file. The overwhelming majority of patients will die, and dieswiftly, experts say†¦. Pancreatic cancer is usually inoperable, rapid, and debilitatingly painful†¦. The averagesurvival if the cancer has spread can be three weeks tothree months†¦. Three weeks to three months. James stared at the laptop's screen. His chest andthroat felt tight; his vision was blurry. He tried to control it, telling himself that nothing was certain yet. Poppy was being tested, that didn't mean she had cancer. But the words rang hollow in his mind. He had known for some time that something was wrong with Poppy. Something was-disturbed-inside her.He'd sensed that the rhythms of her body wereslightly off; he could tell she was losing sleep. Andthe pain-he always knew when the pain was there.He just hadn't realized how serious it was. Poppy knows, too, he thought. Deep down, she knows that something very bad is going on, or she wouldn't have asked me to find this out. But whatdoes she expect me to do, walk in and tell her she's going to die in a few months? And am I supposed to stand around and watch it? His lips pulled back from his teeth slightly. Not anice smile, more of a savage grimace. He'd seen a lot of death in seventeen years. He knew the stages ofdying, knew the difference between the moment breathing stopped and the moment the brain turnedoff; knew the unmistakable ghostlike pallor of a freshcorpse. The way the eyeballs flattened out about five minutes after expiration. Now, that was a detail most people weren't familiar with. Five minutes after you die, your eyes go flat and filmy gray. And then your body starts to shrink. You actually get smaller. Poppy was so small already. He'd always been afraid of hurting her. She lookedso fragile, and he could hurt somebody much stronger if he wasn't careful. That was one reason hekept a certain distance between them. One reason. Not the main one. The other was something he couldn't put intowords, not even to himself. It brought him right up to the edge of the forbidden. To face rules that had been ingrained in him since birth. None of the Night People could fall in love with ahuman. The sentence for breaking the law was death. It didn't matter. He knew what he hadto do now.Where he had to go. Cold and precise, James loggedoff the Net. Hestood, picked up his sunglasses, slid them into place. Went out into the merciless June sunlight, slamminghis apartment door behind him. Poppy looked around the hospital room unhappily.There was nothing so awful about it, except that it was too cold, but †¦it was a hospital. That was thetruth behind thepretty pink-and-blue curtains and the dosed-circuit TV and the dinner menu decoratedwith cartoon characters. It was a place you didn't come unless you were Pretty Darn Sick. Oh, come on, she told herself. Cheerup a little.What happened to the power of Poppytive thinking? Where's Poppyanna when you need her? Where'sMary Poppy-ins? God, I'm even making myself gag, she thought. But she found herselfsmilingfaintly, with selfdeprecating humor if nothing else. And the nurses were nice here, and the bed wasextremely cool.Ithad a remote control on theside that bent it intoevery imaginable position. Her mother came in while shewas playing with it. â€Å"I got hold of Cliff; he'll be herelater. Meanwhile,I think you'd better change so you're ready for the tests.† Poppy looked at the blue-and-white striped seersucker hospital robe and felt a painful spasm that seemed to reach from her stomach to her back. And something in the deepest part of her said Please, not yet. I'll never be ready. James pulled his Integra into a parking space on Ferry Street near Stoneham. It wasn't a nice part of town. Tourists visiting Los Angeles avoided this area. The building was sagging and decrepit. Severalstores were vacant, with cardboard taped over broken windows. Graffiti covered the peeling paint on thecinder-block walls. Even the smog seemed to hang thicker here. Theair itself seemed yellow and cloying. Like a poisonous miasma, it darkened the brightest day and made everything look unreal and ominous. James walked around to the back of the building.There, among the freight entrances of the stores in front, was one door unmarked by graffiti. The signabove it had no words. Just a picture of a blackflower. A black iris. James knocked. The door opened two inches, anda skinny kid in a wrinkled T-shirt peered out with beady eyes. â€Å"It's me, Ulf,† James said, resisting the temptationto kick the door in. Werewolves, he thought. Why do they have to be so territorial? World. I don't want to break any laws. I just wanther well.† The slanted blue eyes were searching his face. â€Å"Areyou sure you haven't broken the laws already?† And when James looked determined not to understand this, she added in a lowered voice, â€Å"Are you sure you're not in love with her?† James made himself meet the probing gaze directly. He spoke softly and dangerously. â€Å"Don't say that unless you want a fight.† Gisele looked away. She played with her ring. Thecandle flame dwindled and died. â€Å"James, I've known you for a long time,† she saidwithout looking up. â€Å"I don't want to get you in trouble. I believe you when you say you haven't brokenany laws–but I think we'd both better forget this conversation. Just walk out now and I'll pretend itnever happened.† â€Å"And the spell?† â€Å"There's no such thing. And if there was, Iwouldn't help you. Just go.† James went.There was one other possibility that he couldthink of. He drove to Brentwood, to an area thatwas as different from the last as a diamond is fromcoal. He parked in a covered carport by a quaint adobe building with a fountain. Red and purplebougainvillaea climbed up the walls to the Spanishtile on the roof. Walking through an archway into a courtyard, hecame to an office with gold letters on the door. Jasper R. Rasmussen, Ph.D. His father was a psychologist. Before he could reach for the handle, the dooropened and a woman came out. She was like mostof his father's clients, forty-something, obviously rich, wearing a designer jogging suit and high-heeled sandals. She looked a little dazed and dreamy, and therewere two small, rapidly healing puncture wounds on her neck. James went into the office. There was a waitingroom, but no receptionist. Strains of Mozart came from the inner office. James knocked on the door. â€Å"Dad?† The door opened to reveal a handsome man withdark hair. He was wearing a perfectly tailored gray suit and a shirt with French cuffs. He had an aura of power and purpose. But not of warmth. He said, â€Å"What is it, James?† in the same voice he used for his clients: thoughtful, deliberate, confident. â€Å"Do you have a minute?† His father glanced at his Rolex. â€Å"As a matter offact, my next patient won't be here for half an hour.† â€Å"There's something I need to talk about.† His father looked at him keenly, then gestured to an overstuffed chair. James eased into it, but found himself pulling forward to sit on the edge. â€Å"What's on your mind?† James searched for the right words. Everything depended on whether he could make his father under stand. But what were the right words? At last hesettled for bluntness. â€Å"It's Poppy. She's been sick for a while, and nowthey think she has cancer.† Dr. Rasmussen looked surprised. â€Å"I'm sorry to hearthat.† But there was no sorrow in his voice. â€Å"And it's a bad cancer. It's incredibly painful andjust about one hundred percent incurable.† â€Å"That's a pity.† Again there was nothing but mildsurprise in his father's voice. And suddenly James knew where that came from. It wasn't surprise thatPoppy was sick; it was surprise that James had made a trip just to tell him this. â€Å"Dad, if she's got this cancer, she's dying. Doesn'tthat mean anything to you?† Dr. Rasmussen steepled his fingers and stared intothe ruddy gloss of his mahoganydesk. He spoke slowly and steadily. â€Å"James, we've been through this before. You know that your mother and I are worried about you getting too dose to Poppy. Too . . . attached †¦to her.† James felt a surge of cold rage. â€Å"Like I got tooattached to Miss Emma?† His father didn't blink. â€Å"Something like that.† James fought the pictures that wanted to form inhis mind. He couldn't think about Miss Emma now; he needed to be detached. That was the only way to convince his father. â€Å"Dad, what I'm trying to say is that I've knownPoppy just about all my life. She's useful to me.† â€Å"How? Not in the obvious way. You've never fedon her, have you?† James swallowed, feeling nauseated. Feed onPoppy? Use her like that? Even the thought of it made him sick. â€Å"Dad, she's my friend,† he said, abandoning anypretense of objectivity. â€Å"I can't just watch her suffer. I can't. I have to do something about it.† His father's face cleared. â€Å"I see.† James felt dizzy with astonished relief. â€Å"Youunderstand?† â€Å"James, at times one can't help a certain feeling of . . .compassion for humans. In general, I wouldn't encourage it-but you have known Poppya long while. You feel pity for her suffering. If youwant to make that suffering shorter, then, yes, Iunderstand.† The relief crashed down around James. He stared at his father for a few seconds, then said softly, â€Å"Mercy killing? I thought the Elders had put a banon deaths in this area.† â€Å"Just be reasonably discreet about it. As long as itseems to be natural, we'll all look the other way. There won't be any reason to call in the Elders.† There was a metallic taste in James's mouth. Hestood and laughed shortly. â€Å"Thanks, Dad. You've really helped a lot.† His father didn't seem to hear the sarcasm. â€Å"Gladto do it, James. By the way, how are things at the apartments?† â€Å"Fine,† James said emptily. â€Å"And at school?† â€Å"School's over, Dad,† James said, and let himselfout. In the courtyard he leaned against an adobe walland stared at the splashing water of the fountain. He was out of options. Out of hope. The laws ofthe Night World said so. If Poppy had the disease, she would die from it.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Theme of Oppression: Waiting for Snow in Havana compared to Kaffir Boy

A paradigmatic moral witness â€Å"is one who experiences the suffering–one who is not just an observer but also a sufferer. † Carlos Eire, Professor of History and Religious Studies at Yale University and author of Waiting for Snow in Havana, is a moral witness. His book is a memoir of childhood and exile, the recollections of a privileged boy who, at the age of 11, was one of 14,000 children airlifted from Cuba, separated from his parents and, with only a small suitcase in hand, dropped off in a land in which he did not know a soul.The book is, however, more is a record of suffering endured at the hands of evildoers. As its subtitle indicates, Eire writes in the style of confession. Unlike Elie Wiesel, for instance, he does not mainly register evil and suffering to honor the sufferers and warn future generations or to accomplish an inner catharsis. He probes deeply into the warping that evil produces in the souls of victims and struggles with frightening honesty, born of faith, on a journey of redemption from its sinister power.So moving, so wildly humorous and yet so stern in its moral judgment, so concentrated on the self but so concerned with others and their redemption, a story so rooted in a specific time and place and yet so universal in import. Evil keeps appearing in the shape of a lizard, and the lizard of lizards is Fidel, who destroyed everything Eire knew as boy, wrecked it â€Å"in the name of fairness, progress, the oppressed, and of love for the gods Marx and Lenin.†Contrary to what one might expect, the redemption toward which Eire is groping bears the face not of a political figure or a social program but of Jesus, who â€Å"wept with joy upon seeing all the world's sins embedded in those mean, raw pieces of wood that meant death for Him at the age of thirty-three. † A Cuban nun taught him the meaning of redemption. She was wise enough to talk to the orphaned and exiled children not â€Å"about their present situa tion,† utterly dire as it was, but â€Å"in universal terms about [their] faults and about redemption from them. â€Å"In his search for redemption, Eire wrestles with two issues. First, what to do with desire bereft of a precious object, a boy's desire that yearns for what it could have had as much as for what it lost. â€Å"In the past thirty-eight years I've seen eight thousand nine hundred and seventeen clouds in the shape of the island Cuba,† writes Eire, an exiled man in his early fifties. Second, how does one make peace with enemies, even more, how does one love them? â€Å"My dream of dreams,† writes Eire toward the end of the book, is to â€Å"kiss [the lizard] fondly, and let go forever.†The original title of the book, rejected by the publisher as too offensive, was Kiss the Lizard, Jesus (Jesus Rubio was the main character in that first version of the book, conceived as a novel rather than a memoir). Much of what Eire is after as he sifts thro ugh recollections and the emotions stirred by the recollected events can be described as the redemption of memories: â€Å"imagine the sound of memories that have nothing to do with Batista or Fidel. † So how does Eire's journey toward redemption look?You must read the book yourself. One thing that will strike you immediately is the style. Here is its unforgettable first sentence: â€Å"The world changed while I slept, and much to my surprise, no one had consulted me. † Then there is the perspective. Eire combines a way of seeing the world often associated with magical realism (except that it is â€Å"all true,† or â€Å"at least 98. 6% of it,† as he told me) with a humor the likes of which I've never seen before–a humor that is not garnish but a way of life and itself a vehicle of redemption.An even more important element of redemption than humor–an element which lets humor do the redemptive work and not just relieve Eire temporarily of lif e's burdens–is his robust faith in God. His own peculiar â€Å"proofs of God's existence† (proof no. 5, â€Å"the ultimate proof†: desire) structure the whole text, and he repeatedly reads his own story within the framework of salvation history (e. g. , the exiled children of Cuba are the slaughtered children of Bethlehem; as a fatherless boy he sees himself in the image of God's Son abandoned by the Father).The aftereffects of that nun's talk, which left him in a â€Å"stupor, wondering what had hit [him],† are felt throughout the book. Can one get no redemption before the dawn of the world to come? One can. Eire writes as a man who has tasted the sweet savor of a new life even as he is drinking from the bitter cup of evil's memories. He has kissed many lizards, he says. That is why when he condemns Emesto, a lizard slightly trailing Fidel in ugliness and wickedness, the worst punishment he can think of is for him to be embraced by Jesus eternally.So wri tes a man who has admittedly not yet been freed from anger but has offered it up to God and is â€Å"letting Jesus take care of it. † Eire's questions are spiritual: How do we live with memories of irretrievable loss and violation, given that for victims, memories are not so much a solution as a problem? How do we relate to the perpetrators? How do we find healing of losses and redemption from evil? Eire's answers are religious: we find redemption by having our stories inserted into God's story and in everlasting life with God, the source of our life and salvation and the telos of all our desires.â€Å"Secular† and â€Å"religious† are alternatives, but the ethics of memory and the redemption of memories need not be. The advantage of Eire's religious struggle for the redemption of memories is that, if pressed, he can integrate the ethics of memory into his perspective. Eire offers redemption of memories–and redemption of people who remember. The story â⠂¬Å"Kaffir Boy† deals with the agony of racism. In Mark Mathabane's â€Å"Kaffir Boy,† Mark has grown up in poverty. Though Mark is told that he will never amount to anything because he is black, Mark strives for success since he has nothing to lose.Through a comparison of different reactions to prejudices revealed in the stories, we learn that our choices should be determined by which options offer the greatest rewards and/or the fewest penalties. In â€Å"Kaffir Boy,† Mark Mathabane joins his grandmother at her workplace in the big city. Mark is astonished that white people live such extravagant lives while his family can hardly afford food. When Mark and his grandmother reach the Smith residence, Mark meets a white boy named Clyde who has been providing Mark with hand-me-downs.He tells Mark what the white children learn about in their school. Mark is shocked to hear the stereotypes that the white children have about black people. Mark is greatly insulted when Clyde tells him, â€Å"My teacher says Kaffirs can't read, speak or write English like white people because they have smaller brains, which are already full of tribal things† (Mathabane 237). Both writings have characters that are faced with racist discrimination. However, though they go through similar scenarios of racism, their own situations and reactions to racism are different.Mark is a child who lives in poverty, but when he is told he will fail because he is black, Mark becomes motivated to prove himself to the world. What motivates people depends on the results they are trying to accomplish. If someone has more to gain than lose from a situation, they will try that much harder to succeed. Mark realized this and since he had nothing, it was all gain and no loss. The opposite is true as well — if you strive for something that will get you nowhere or leave you in a worse position, the best thing to do is not to try.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

An Interdisciplinary Approach Prof: Karney Platt Rose Essay

1.Using quotes from your interviews, describe how each of your three respondents understand the Cold War. 2.Explain to what extent their definition/understanding of the Cold War differs from the definition above (see the bold typeface in the Overview section above). 3.If your respondents’ understanding of the Cold War is different from the way the Cold War is defined in this course, explain why that might be the case. (Also, if their definition of the Cold War is very similar, explain this as well!) I interviewed my aunt Julia, my step mom, and my husband. The way they have described their understanding of the cold war is Iron Curtain. US and USSR conflict. Here are some things they said about the Iron curtain. After World War 2 the Soviet Union created the Iron curtain. The time collapse of the Iron curtain was symbolized in 1989 by the opening of the Berlin wall on November 9th. In the presses of the Cold War the general policy of the west toward the communist states was to contain them with the hope of internal division, failure or evolution just may end their threat. The Soviet Union challenged the west by instituting a blockade of the western sectors of the Berlin; little did they know the United States could airlift supplies into the city until the blockade was withdrawn in 1948. All three of the people that I interview said the same thing about who was involved in the cold war it was the U.S. and the USSR. My husband also added that the USSR was in a conflict with the west for more than 40 years. That conflict was never open to warfare (hot war). This is because the existence of the nuclear weapons made the war mad. This is why the conflict stayed a cold war. My step mom added the only thing that held the allies together was the extreme need to destroy Hitler’s Nazis. In 1945 Hitler was defeated and the cold war was inevitable. The USSR was a communist dictatorship and the U.S. was the capitalist of democracy. Both the U.S. and the USSR thought they held the key to the future happiness of the human race. My aunt Julia said that with the result of the cold war the Soviet Union fell apart in the early 1990s. Most people say it was because of their system could not keep people happy because it did not give them the rights or material wealth they thought they would have. 1949 the countries on the side of the USA formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) oppose the USSR. 1949 the USSR set up the council for Mutual Economic Assistance to unite the communist ruled states. For my aunt Julia it had been more than 30 years since she had even thought about the cold war so answering the questions was kind of hard and for my step mom she had got her GED in the 10th grade so she could remember much. As for my husband he really didn’t tell me much about how he learned about the cold war. I do know that he was sent to boarding school at the age of 16 I don’t know if he learned about it there he don’t like to talk about it. Major events that occurred during the cold war are as follows 1)Winning the space race by landing man on the moon in 1969

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Letters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Letters - Essay Example It is my firm belief that we can attain client satisfaction, highest possible BER and successful completion of the project only by employing integrated design. Your collaboration along with the design team will ensure all engineering requirements are fulfilled under the current governing legislation and regulations. The attachments along this letter enlist my recent appointments in the energy management sector. The widely held building projects employed my expertises to achieve energy focused objectives. On the other hand some of them required building energy rating services. Regrettably my interaction with the architect is sometimes limited, major reason is, my involvement in current projects with diverse nature and scale. Second component of the attachment is a citation of previous projects where scope, value and risk were considerably greater. A number of prominent architectural firms were involved in these projects and hence it demanded continuous collaboration with all key stakeholders. One such relevant example is of ‘Energy Retrofit Scheme’ which is one among numerous grant support schemes by the state energy authority which aims to assist organizations in reducing energy requirement and carbon emission. It is observed that through improved and upgraded systems the energy requirements can reduce to 80% of pre-approved energy. A number of qualifying criteria must be satisfied, which include a fundamental requirement that the minimum capital expenditure is 40000 euro for energy upgrade works. I was approached by the national body for agricultural and food industry, namely xxx, back in June 2010. The body employs its 100 office facilities across the country to carry out its operations. The results of the initial consultation made us realize that in order to acquire support grant we have to formulate an energy

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Respiratory System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Respiratory System - Assignment Example The coarse hair, mucus and cilia in the respiratory tract clean, warms and moistens the air. Hair is in the nostril region while mucus and cilia are found in the rest of the nasal cavity. Hair and cilia in the nose are used in screening air while in trachea cilia moves upward and carry the food particles in the pharynx. The heat given by the blood vessels warms the air while the wet surfaces moisten the air. As air moves out during exhalation, it cools and dries up. During cooling, moisture is deposited on lining of the nose and the trachea (Michael & Albert 2001, p.10-13).NoseNose opens at the nostrils which lead to nasal cavities. Nasal cavities contain ciliated cells that act as the odour receptors. The cells contain nerves that lead to the brain. Nasal cavities communicate with cranial sinuses in the skull. Any inflammation of the duct stimulates accumulation of fluid. The hollow spaces in the nose enhance filtering, warming and moistening the air (Michael & Albert 2001, p.10-13) .PharynxPharynx is funnel-shaped and links oral and nasal cavities to larynx. Tonsils in the pharynx contain lymphocytes that protect against inhaled foreign antigens.Alveoli are contained in the lungs, and each sac is surrounded by the blood capillaries. The walls of alveoli contain the squamous epithelium or the flattened cells that enhance the exchange of gases. The surfactant in the alveoli reduces the surface tension and prevents lungs from closing. During inhalation, the air moving in and out, tidal volume, is small.... The heat given by the blood vessels warms the air while the wet surfaces moisten the air. As air moves out during exhalation, it cools and dries up. During cooling, moisture is deposited on lining of the nose and the trachea (Michael & Albert 2001, p.10-13). Nose Nose opens at the nostrils which lead to nasal cavities. Nasal cavities contain ciliated cells that act as the odour receptors. The cells contain nerves that lead to the brain. Nasal cavities communicate with cranial sinuses in the skull. Any inflammation of the duct stimulates accumulation of fluid. The hollow spaces in the nose enhance filtering, warming and moistening the air (Michael & Albert 2001, p.10-13). Pharynx Pharynx is funnel-shaped and links oral and nasal cavities to larynx. Tonsils in the pharynx contain lymphocytes that protect against inhaled foreign antigens. Larynx Larynx acts as air passage between the pharynx and trachea. Larynx moves up against epiglottis when swallowing food; the flap tissue prevents f ood from entering into the larynx. Alveoli Alveoli are contained in the lungs, and each sac is surrounded by the blood capillaries. The walls of alveoli contain the squamous epithelium or the flattened cells that enhance the exchange of gases. The surfactant in the alveoli reduces the surface tension and prevents lungs from closing. During inhalation, the air moving in and out, tidal volume, is small. The vital capacity can be increased through expansion of the chest and lungs. During inspiration, external intercostal muscles and the lungs will contract. Diaphragm is dome shaped, and it will lower and contract during inhalation. The volume of the thoracic cavity increases, lungs expand, and the pressure in the alveoli decreases. This allows air to floe naturally flows outside the

Review 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Review 4 - Essay Example The warehouses can be an essential when it comes to improving the customer service if done properly. The challenges that, however, have an association with warehouse design, its techniques in building and technology, are challenging (Grakin, 2010). There are fixed costs in everything involved in the construction of conveyors to racks, directed picking systems to forklifts and other systems in a warehouse. Employee training is also a challenge and challenges concerning productivity make warehouse management a very difficult and expensive business. A warehouse has its advantages and disadvantages. It can either speed up your business or slow it down altogether. It is, therefore, necessary to search for more flexible designs for warehouse or look for other solutions to goods storage. The primary drivers of the logistics network design are usually an effort for the company to reduce costs and also to improve the services the manufacturers offer to the customers or distributor. The right design for the networks optimizes distribution operations, transportation, and inventory investment to have a balance between service cost and the service they offer. The design of a perfect warehouse is a very complicated affair that most people always get wrong. The major issue is managing the myriad details, which usually has the complication of the fact that the designs are never the same for any warehouses regardless of them being of the same organization. The process is exhausting, but can have a two simple part division of location and design. The selection process should be done by realizing that a warehouse location has the primary function of getting a company/organization close to its customers. The companies should also decide whether a stand-alone warehouse or complem enting an existing network with a new warehouse or replacing another warehouse was necessary (Harrington, 2007). Companies should, therefore, base the location decisions

Monday, August 26, 2019

German perpetrators committed the Holocaust Essay

German perpetrators committed the Holocaust - Essay Example The Holocaust was absolutely one of the most horrific events of the 20th century,and the term 'Holocaust' is basically used to describe "the killing of approximately six million European Jews during World War II" as part of a program of deliberate extermination planned and executed by the Nazi regime in Germany led by Adolf Hitler" In order to be able to even remotely understand the Holocaust properly, there is a multitude of issues that need to be thoroughly addressed and discussed. Many people over time have attempted to explain the reasons as to why German perpetrators followed orders to commit mass murder, and the aim of this paper is to discuss whether or not these reasons are illuminating, as well as the reasons why they are or are not. By doing this, we will not only be able to get the answers to this, but as well will be able to better understand the issue of the Holocaust overall. This is what will be dissertated in the following.There are many different occurrences which ha ve taken place in the world which have left an incredible impact and have significantly influenced the future that lay ahead of it dramatically, and the Holocaust is, without a doubt, one of these described occurrences. There are so many questions that surround the Holocaust, namely that of how such ordinary people could have participated in such an unholy and unimaginable act of racism and hatred. Each person seems to have their own taking and view on this issue, and any account of the Holocaust itself truly has to take views such as this into consideration in order to be able to gain a proper understanding on the occurrence itself at all. In reality, although surely there are followers to each different explanation, at the same time there are obviously going to be those which are more believable and comprehendible than others, and it is important to determine which is which, thus proving the incredible need for a discussion of the matter of the different reasons that have been use d in the past in order to explain about the matter of how so many people could act so insensitive and callous and commit torture and murder to innocent human beings. The Holocaust was an occurrence which was characterized by the efficient and systematic attempt to assemble and kill as many people as possible, and for example, "detailed lists of potential victims were made and maintained using Dehomag statistical machinery, and meticulous records of the killings were produced. As prisoners entered the death camps, they were made to surrender all personal property to the Nazis, which was then precisely cataloged and tagged, and for which receipts were issued" (Wette, 2006). The Holocaust was incredibly geographically widespread, and it was systematically conducted in virtually all available areas of Nazi-occupied territory, with the mass killing at its worst being in Central and Eastern Europe, which had more than 7 million Jews in the year 1939. The Holocaust was an insanely and unimaginably horrific and evil occurrence, which was carried out with any reprieve even for children or babies, and during the actual selection process within the Holocaust, children were divided carefully into two separate groups: those who could work, and those who could not. Those who were deemed as being healthy enough to work were kept alive only because they would be useful, and were given a uniform and a prisoner ID which was tattooed onto them. The children who were not considered as being fit for work were taken immediately to the gas chambers, tortured and killed. There were also many medical experiments which were carried out during the Holocaust, and most of these medical experiments included a great deal of torture; this included the placing of subjects in pressure chambers, testing various drugs on them to see the results and side effects, freezing them to death, and as well various other usually fatal traumas. Those involved with the Holocaust seemed to have

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Books Banning Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Books Banning - Research Paper Example Books act as central means of imparting knowledge and communicating diverse thoughts, ideas, and viewpoints. As such, they act as useful instruments for writers and other literarians to express themselves through articulated works crafted skillfully. Because books present a powerful way of communicating new, and sometimes radical, ideas, they are sometimes viewed as a threat. Those who view books as a threat are willing to restrict the transmission of the book’s message through censorship or banning of books. However, the phenomenon is not a new one and apparently the history goes back to the Greek days of the philosopher, Plato, who suggested that certain tales must not be told to children due to their content (Lusted, 13). Banning books has its implications on many of its stakeholders including students, parents, teachers, and the government. In many ways, banning books involves the conflicting interests of its various stakeholders thereby motivating the action. Books are banned due to various reasons. DiMarco mentions how one of his colleagues jokingly said that his book should be banned because it contains explicit content such as â€Å"sex, violence, and adult language†, something which would definitely not be seen as suitable for young students to read (368). While many books are banned due to its objectionable content, it should be noted that such actions inhibit greater learning by restricting the transmission of knowledge. In most cases, book banning limits a student’s comprehension of applicable knowledge as it exposes one to only accepted ways of knowledge dissemination. By doing so, students are only introduced to one side of the picture rather than giving them a thorough exposure to the wider picture thereby limiting their view. Book banning has been practiced since a long time and thus, students have been limited to only specific dimensions of knowledge. It is important to understand that any kind of censorship inh ibits

Saturday, August 24, 2019

BI POLAR DISORDER Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BI POLAR DISORDER - Research Paper Example Bipolar disorder (Kessler, Berglund, Demler , Jin, Merikangas and Walters, 2005) usually develops in the late teens or in the stage of a person's early adult years, whereby at least half of the entire cases start prior to age 25. In addition, this illness is common, in fact, approximately three percent (3%) or 10 million adults (affecting both men and women) in the US population have bipolar disorder (The National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2008). Categories of Bipolar Disorder The National Institute for Health (2009) characterized Bipolar Disorder into four basic types : First is the Bipolar I Disorder, which is mainly defined by episodes of manic or mixed episodes and last at least seven days; in severe cases, the person needs immediate hospital care; Second, the Bipolar II Disorder which is defined by episodes of pattern of depressive shifting back and forth jointly with hypomanic episodes, however, no full-blown Bipolar disorder 3 manic or of mixed episodes; Third is the Bipolar Disorder which is â€Å"Not Otherwise Specified† (BP-NOS), diagnosed if a person's illness has symptoms that do not match with diagnostic criteria (whetherr bipolar I or II); Fourth is the Cyclothymic Disorder, or Cyclothymia, manifested by a mild form of bipolar disorder. In this type of condition, patients exhibit cyclothymia (episodes of hypomania) that shift back and forth together with mild depression around two years. Signs and Symptoms of Illness There is no absolute cause of bipolar disorder, however, most scientists believe that this illness is likely caused by multiple factors, which interact with each other in order to produce a chemical imbalance and affecting some parts of the brain. Most experts also say, Bipolar disorder usually runs in families; and studies suggest that there must be a genetic component to the disorder. Moreover, the first episode is usually trigger by a stressful event, such as difficult relationship or financial problems,unexpected loss, ch ronic illness, or any major change in life. Therefore, an individual’s coping strategies of handling stress may play essential role in the development of symptoms (The National Institute for Health, 2009). In some instances, drug abuse can trigger the disorder. Living in a stressful life situations also may lead to sleep loss or changes in one’s schedule can also contribute to the onset as well as, recurrence of depression and mania (The National Alliance on Mental Illness, 2008). According to New York State Office of Mental Health (2008), the periods of highs and lows are known as episodes of mania and depression. The Signs and symptoms of manic episode include: Restlessness, increased energy, excessively â€Å"high,† overly good, euphoric mood, little sleep needed, extreme irritability, racing thoughts and talking very fast, Bipolar disorder 4 inability to concentrate, distractibility, poor judgment, unrealistic beliefs in one’s abilities, increased sex ual drive, spending sprees, intrusive, provocative or aggressive behavior, lasting period of behavior usually different from usual, denial that anything is wrong and abuse of drugs, particularly alcohol, cocaine, and sleeping medications.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Finance Issues during the First Five Years of a New Company Essay

Finance Issues during the First Five Years of a New Company - Essay Example Accumulated losses of the first 3 years have only been neutralized in the last accounting period for which actual results are available. Consequently, the company has never declared a dividend and does not even forecast one for the first year of forecasted business results. Â  2. The Gross Margin has improved from 18.75% in 2004 to 21.57% in 2005. The forecast Gross Margin for 2006, at 22.92% is only slightly higher than the latest achievement of 2005. However, fuel costs, which are significant for a business such as that of PDS is forecast to rise to 26.04% of revenue, as against 25.49% in 2005 and 25% in 2004. It appears that PDS is not able to secure protection against a major inflation driver into its business contracts. However, PDS has been able to reduce variable labor expenses from 56.25% of revenue to just 52.94% in 2005 and expects the trend to continue with a forecast of just 51.04% in 2006. These are significant productivity gains in a challenging human resources environment. Similarly, staff salaries are forecast to remain constant in 2006 compared to 2005, though net profits will more than double. Â  3. Leased capacity utilization has improved very significantly during the past five years, considering the remarkable rise in revenues. However, depreciation at less than 5% of the gross block in vehicles seems to totally inadequate. The depreciation reserve is entirely inadequate and distorts the profitability picture, including the basis for taxation. Â  4. Though the debenture loan and bank overdraft show plenty of scope for gearing compared to the Gross Block, the company does not have any immovable fixed assets.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Children Life Essay Example for Free

Children Life Essay 1.1 Mention the characteristics and needs of children that should be taken into account when selecting suitable literature. Emotions: Identification: A child must be able to identify with the story. Enjoyment: They must be able to enjoy the story. Moderate emotion: should show some emotion. Security: Child should feel safe. Intellectual Abilities: The story must be logical (as much as possible) it should also be systematic and consistent. It is more convincing when written from child’s point of view. Normative development: Should be based on natural feeling for values, without any serious and obvious moralizing. 1.2 What is the value of media in telling a story? Mention five (5) points. Can improve the young child’s visual literacy – e.g. – red light means stop. Can improve visual skills – Acquires the skill of Depth perception. Will help achieve a better understanding of new concepts – pictures are a representation of reality; provide a bridge between the real representation of something and its abstract image. Can stimulate children to use creative language – can let them discuss interesting aspects of an illustration. Can advance the reading readiness of the child. – they need to make fine discriminations and to interpret a series of symbols in order to read and spell. 1.3 Explain how a child’s language development can be improved by telling and reading stories. List your points. Expanding vocabulary Improving oral Language Using Creative Language Creating a desire to read Listening skills 1.4 How does poetry foster development in young children? Refer to four (4) instances. Can be used to further the child’s total development Intellectual Conscious Emotional Imaginative 1.5 How does children’s literature promote intellectual development? Mention  five (5) ways. In aiding their discovery and refinement of new concepts. Cultivating their proficiency in a range of thinking processes. Furthering their ability to reason logically. Fostering their critical thinking. Introducing them to problem solving. Question 2 Discuss the characteristics of children in the following age groups and explain how this influences the choice of suitable literature. 2.1 Babies 2.2 Children aged one to three years 2.3 Children aged four to five years 2.4 Children in grade R 2.5 Children in the Foundation Phase 2.6 Babies: 2.7 Characteristics 2.8 Influences of suitable Literature They are busy discovering the world around them. They need continual repetition of what they know and what is familiar. Babies can only give their attention to an activity for a short time. It is vital for them to hear language. Simple pictures of objects so they will recognize them from their immediate environment. Not much details in pictures, only one subject. They should sit on your lap so their need for physical contact can be met. Pages should be strong so they cannot be damaged easily. Children aged one (1) to three (3) years: Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature Rapid language development their vocabulary expands quickly, sentences put together become more correct and complete. Enormously interested in everything that happens around them. Enjoy repetition. Likes bright, cheerful colors and pictures. Becoming more skillful, can pick up something with their fingers. Beginning to take an interest in people, things and animals that is not a part of everyday life. Picture books from baby years still favorites. Picture books can now have themes outside immediate environment. Pictures should be bright, cheerful colors and can include a certain amount of detail. From 2 years, children are able to enjoy simple story books. Enjoy simple stories include a lot of repetition. Children of this age want to look at book themselves – ensure strong pages. Children aged four (4) to five (5) years: Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature Interest has broadened to include more than themselves and environment. Interest in other people. Cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality. 4 year old enjoy comical language, word games and words that represent sound. Enjoy obvious, silly jokes and often behave in rather silly ways themselves. Love exaggeration even when telling it themselves. Children of this age can now sit quietly and can concentrate for longer. Enjoys stories about â€Å"unknown†. Themes outside environment are perfectly appropriate. They enjoy and understand stories about events that â€Å"could† happen, however improbable. Funny stories, silly and full of exaggeration. Stories/books about people, animals and objects how to grow. They can look at a book for a longer period of time, and can listen attentively for longer. Favorite stories of 3 – 4 therefore suitable for this age group – not for long. Children in grade R Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature This age allows for broadening children’s understanding of the word around  them. 5 – 6 year olds can distinguish between fantasy and reality. Very inquisitive and eager to learn. Enjoy new discoveries and adventures. 6 year olds are no longer egocentric, and already have a more objective view of themselves and the world around them. 6 year olds begin to take an interest in no words and letters. 6 year olds with lots of exposure to books are keen and ready to be introduced to reading activities. 5 – 6 enjoys fantasies Like stories and books that convey info in a straight forward way. Simple adventure stories and books are suitable. Themes deal with less familiar, such as children from other countries. Children in the Foundation Phase Characteristics Influences of suitable Literature Children starting school are starting to read and gradually improve their mastering of this skill. When they start school they have a good grasp of the difference between fantasy and reality – of what can happen. Increasing responsible realization of right and wrong, and they begin to express their own judgment of right and wrong. Friends become extremely important and have an enormous influence on what a child wishes to do. Children develop an interest in hobbies – particularly in things they themselves can make or do. Stories with simple text that they can read. Enjoy fantasy tales, particularly those that are exaggeratedly â€Å"marvelous† (Roald Dahl) Books featuring descriptive language are also enjoyable, their stories must contain plenty action. Enjoy stories that teach them how to make things such as cook books. Humorous books.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Blood clots Essay Example for Free

Blood clots Essay Blood clots are also known as the thrombus which is the result of blood coagulation step in hemostasis. Blood clots are formed through platelets’ aggression which makes a platelet plug and the stimulation of the humoral coagulation system. Blood clots noted as a pathologic in terms of thrombosis but then it is physiologic in terms of injury. Thrombus signifies blood clotting in the intact blood vessels. It is a big blood vessel that reduces blood flow via that vessel. Moreover, in the case of small blood vessel, the blood movement might totally stop which may cause death of tissue which provided by the said vessel. If the thrombus extricates and turns out to be free-floating, it becomes an embolus. There are several conditions in which blood clots form which involve atrial fibrillation which is a cardiac arrhythmia’s formation, heart valve replacement, extension periods of inactivity, a previous heart attack and genetic inadequacies (see â€Å"Thrombus†. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. October 11, 2006). Blood clots’ preventions may decrease the possibility of pulmonary embolism, heart attack and stroke. Warfarin and heparin are frequently used to slow and restrain formation and progress of prevailing blood clots which permit our body to decrease and suspend the blood clots by means of usual methods. A thrombus is distinct from haematoma by means of: being non-laminar being elastic and brittle has a high haematocrit lacks of circulation (see â€Å"Thrombus†. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. October 11, 2006). The purposes of this study are to: (1) know what blood clots are; (2) be aware on how blood clots do form and; (3) learn how blood clots treated. II. Discussion A. About Blood Clots If the blood vessels are destroyed, the lack of blood from the system should be suspended before â€Å"shock† occurs and may possibly leads patient’s death. It is achieved through the blood’s solidification and the said process is termed as coagulation or clotting. Blood clots comprise of a plug of platelets entangled in a group of insoluble fibrin molecules (see â€Å"Blood Clotting†. June 4, 2005). Moreover, blood clots are the misery and pest of the existence of human beings. The can create strokes and heart attacks and they suspend blood supply to an individual’s legs. Many physicians denote this process as thrombosis. Several scientists have extensive researched for a period of time regarding the vascular biology which has an intention to stop thrombosis and cure its consequences yet it continuously serves as a culprit for death causes. Approximately in the past five years, the Mayo cardiovascular researchers continually widened their investigations regarding the vascular biology after they found out that thrombosis formed through interaction of cells exist in the vessel wall and in the circulation of the bloodstream. Dr. Simari stated that: â€Å"The major focus of our lab is to understand the biological process that narrows blood vessels, both in arthrosclerosis and in re- stenosis. Our aim is to take the biological clues that we learn from our research and use them to generate biological markers and treatments that can predict, prevent and treat thrombosis at the site of vascular injury (see â€Å"The Biology of Blood Clots†. Mayo Clinic’s Online Research Magazine. 2006). In addition, the blood clots develop even if an individual does not experience injury. Even though majority of the blood clots have a tendency to suspend, there are circumstances in which blood clots can create medical dilemmas. Blood clots turn out to be risky if they block blood movement via artery or vein. If the blood clot prevents or deters the blood movement to an artery in the brain or heart, it may lead to stroke or heart attack. Blood clots can deter, too, the veins and arteries in our entire body which cause illnesses like varicose veins to serious pulmonary embolism. The picture below illustrates the formation of blood clot (see â€Å"Blood Clots†. HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). B. How blood clots do form? The cells which line inside the layer of blood vessel becomes injured which is instigated by a wound. The blood platelets automatically go directly to the injured area and connect themselves with the intention to close of the wound. Look at the picture below (see â€Å"How do blood clots form? March 11, 2004). Platelets clump together and the clothing process begins The platelets discharge a chemical substance which draw and bring together more platelets to the injured area. In the meantime, other substances are mix with platelets to create and develop a blood clot. This process is named as coagulation. Fibrin is released. Fibrin describes as a thread-like protein which aids the stabilization of the clot in the blood vessel. The picture below shows how blood clot forms and fibrin stabilizes clot (see â€Å"How do blood clots form? March 11, 2004). Additionally, blood clot can be developed too through gradual increase of plaque inside the artery-an example for this is the atherosclerosis- or other illnesses. Any vein or artery may possibly experience and form blood clots inside our body which include the coronary arteries that provide the heart with blood, the arteries which provide the brain with blood-an example for this is the carotid arteries, and the veins in the legs. As mentioned earlier, blood clots can also be dangerous if will it develop inside in any of these arteries: ? The pulmonary artery passes through from the heart to the lungs. Obstruction in this artery is named as a pulmonary embolism and may create a great damage in the lungs and in several circumstances, may lead to death. This is because of the abnormal heart pulse which is termed as atrial fibrillation or through a peripheral venous disorder inside the veins of the legs-an example is the deep vein thrombosis. ? One of the coronary arteries that can be found on the heart’s surface and provide the heart muscle with new, oxygen-rich blood. The obstruction of the coronary arteries may possibly cause a heart attack. In this condition, blood clots normally develop as a reaction to the plaque rupture that happens if a plaque piles up inside the coronary artery fractures’ wall, which initiate blood clotting. ? The carotid arteries that is located in the neck and provide the brain with oxygen-rich blood. Obstruction may possibly initiate a stroke-an example for this is the transient ischemic attack. ? The femoral artery which is located in the leg. Obstruction may instigate pain like claudication, absence of color’s area, weakness and when this is not cured, infection like gangrene and tissue death like necrosis. An artery can be located in the abdomen. Obstruction may create diarrhea, vomiting or pain (â€Å"Blood Clots†. HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). C. how blood clots treated Several physicians cure blood clots with several procedures. Treatments like anticoagulants that aid to prevent blood clots and clot busters that aid to suspend blood clots. In some serious circumstances, physicians may possibly decide to use for a catheter-based procedure which utilize a long, thin tube named as catheter or even decide for a surgery to take off the clot-thrombectomy. Moreover, there are maybe devices that need to be implanted in particular blood vessels in order to catch blood clots before there will be more injury happened (see â€Å"Blood Clots†. HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). C. 1 Treatment options for blood clots The option in treating blood clots is a case to case basis whether the clot has developed in an artery or a vein and creates stroke or heart attack. During emergencies, thrombolytic treatments-clot busters- may possibly used to suspend the blood clot. These treatments are applied to some selected patients in accordance to an extensive protocol. In order to be efficient, they are provided no less than one hour of the heart attack or in three hours of the stroke. Thrombolytics are normally applied when there are huge clots which cause severe and life-threatening signs. These can create abrupt and unexpected bleeding. There are many invasive methods that can also be used. One of these is the catheter-directed thrombolysis. It is a method which the catheter proc\vides thrombolytic enzymes straight to the blood clot. Throughout this process, greater enzymes’ concentrations could be utilized and may possibly have lesser side effects compared when the enzymes are supplied subcutaneously no less than two days. Thrombolytic method is followed by a treatment that has anticoagulants to stop more blood clots from formation. Anticoagulants could be advised to patients that have great risk of a blood clot. Researchers are really trying very hard to different catheter-based procedures to cure stroke rapidly. One of the experimental procedures which included is the use of a tiny â€Å"corkscrew† device which rapidly reverses the injury created by a stroke. The said device is directed to where the blood clot is; where it removes the obstruction. Another procedure depends on a special laser catheter which utilizes light energy to suspend rapidly the blood clot. These latest therapies can be accessible to a patient that cannot bear clot-busting drugs (see â€Å"Treatment options for blood. † Blood Clot, HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). Furthermore, when a blood clot develops in a leg vein, there is a risk that a pulmonary embolism will form. A pulmonary embolism may possibly be a life-threatening in which blood clots break away from its location and passes through the bloodstream and stay in one of the blood vessels of the lungs. To avoid and stop a pulmonary embolism, the present blood clots in the legs may cured with a mixture of heat, thrombolytics, painkilling treatments, elevation of the injured area to lessen swelling and anticoagulants. This procedure relies on the clot’s size and the seriousness of any current symptoms. When a patient does not react to anticoagulants, the physicians will decide for a process which uses a catheter having a special device named as vena cava filter. The vena cava filter is inserted in the large vein which transports blood from the legs up to the heart and lungs (vena cava). Additionally, the vena cava filter is a kind of a device which catches blood clots within the vein before the blood clots are permitted to reach the lungs. However, there are several danger related with vena cava filters which comprise failure of the filter in terms of time and blood clots created by means of it. Many researchers really work on in improving the vena cava filters which can be withdrawn right after the medication of pulmonary embolism. There are researches that substantiated and confirmed that treatment in a longer period of time along with a low-does anticoagulant drugs aids in stopping the presence of blood clots amongst those patients who have background of vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism (see â€Å"Treatment options for blood. † Blood Clot, HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). C. 2 Diagnosis methods There are several ways on how to diagnose blood clots. It starts with a medical background and physical test. When there is suspension of clot, several of examinations are utilized to substantiate the diagnosis and these include Doppler ultrasound, CAT scan and MRI: *Doppler ultrasound pertains to an imaging technology which utilizes sound or motion waves to give visual images of the structure and of several blood vessels and organs in our body (see â€Å"Diagnosis methods for blood clots†. Blood clots, HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). * CAT scan refers to computer axial tomography. It is an examination which utilizes a number of x-rays which got from different sides in order to give a computerized three-dimensional image of a body shape (see â€Å"Diagnosis methods for blood clots†. Blood clots, HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). *MRI means magnetic resonance imaging which is a noninvasive examination that utilizes magnetic fields to give high-resolution cross- sectional or three-dimensional visual images of the aimed surface (see â€Å"Diagnosis methods for blood clots†. Blood clots, HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006). References 1. â€Å"Thrombus†. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. October 11, 2006. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Blood_clot 2. â€Å"Blood Clotting†. June 4, 2005. http://users. rcn. com/jkimball. ma. ultranet/BiologyPages/C/Clotting. html 3. â€Å"Blood Clots†. HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006. http://heart. healthcentersonline. com/bloodclot/bloodclots. cfm 4. â€Å"The Biology of Blood Clots†. Mayo Clinic’s Online Research Magazine. 2006. http://discoverysedge. mayo. edu/vascular_biology/ 5. â€Å"How do blood clots form? March 11, 2004. http://www. innohepusa. com/corporateweb/innohepus/home. nsf/Content/Howdoclotsform. 6. â€Å"Treatment options for blood. † Blood Clot, HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006. http://heart. healthcentersonline. com/bloodclot/bloodclots7. cfm 7. â€Å"Diagnosis methods for blood clots†. Blood clots, HeartCenterOnline. May 9, 2006. http://heart. healthcentersonline. com/bloodclot/bloodclots6. cfm

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Kentucky Fried Chicken Holdings Malaysia Berhad Marketing Essay

Kentucky Fried Chicken Holdings Malaysia Berhad Marketing Essay KFC is an abbreviation of Kentucky Fried Chicken is a chain of fast food restaurant based in Louisville Kentucky, in the United Stated and was founded by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952. Since he was only 9 years old, he discovered his penchant for cooking. Through the years he grew up to become a personage the world knows as Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC. KFC mainly sells chicken pieces, wraps, salads and sandwiches. While its main focus is  fried chicken, KFC also offers a line of grilled and roasted chicken products,  side dishes  and  desserts. Although Harland Sanders died in 1980, he remains as a important person of the company`s branding and advertisement, and formerly known as Colonel Sander, is a metonym for the company itself. In 1991, the company adopted KFC, an abbreviated from of its name but starting in April 2007, the company began used Kentucky Fried Chicken, its own original name for its signage, packaging and advertisement. Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe includes blends of 11 herbs and spices and become franchising to the rest of America. By the early 70`s, that special recipe reached Malaysia. Today, KFC Malaysia continues to serve finger lickin` good, succulent pieces of chicken. Its delicious aroma was attract most Malaysian citizen and became popularly amongst them. KFC prides itself as a fast-food restaurant give customers great tasting chicken with a selection of home-styled side dishes and dessert. The first KFC restaurant was opened in 1973 on Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. Until now, KFC Malaysia reached about 500 franchised around Malaysia and still counting. Great tasting chicken has become synonymous with KFC, and has been enjoyed by Malaysians ever since. Now KFC Malaysia has developed its own distinctive Malaysian personality of its own. The Companys Background KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd., (KFC Holdings) is a branded chicken retail chain operator. KFC Holding in Malaysia operates about 500 KFC restaurant nationwide also operates the RasaMas chain of restaurant about 35 outlets. Approximately 52 Kedai Ayamas owning by the Group of KFC Holding, making this company as nation`s first branded chicken and chicken-based retail chain. Not only serve fast-food as main business, KFCH also widely involved in poultry production and processing, as well as a host of ancillary businesses such as vegetable farming, baking and sauce production. KFCH has emerged as strong big company in Malaysia`s businesses and retail world with high reputation for excellent product, efficient friendly service and financial strength. Undeniably, KFCH is the only KFC restaurant operator in world whose serve Western Quick Service Restaurant market greater than that of McDonald`s. KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd (KFCH) operates service not only being the franchisee of KFC chain of restaurant in Malaysia but also in Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia and India. 1.2 Board of Director (Executive Director) Kamaruzzaman bin Abu Kassim   Chairman Non Independent Non Executive Director Ahamad bin Mohamad Deputy Chairman   Non Independent Non Executive Director Jamaludin bin Md Ali Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer Kua Hwee Sim   Independent Non Executive Director Tan Sri Dato Dr Yahya bin Awang   Independent Non Executive Director Hassim bin Baba   Independent Non Executive Director Datuk Ismee bin Ismail   Non Independent Non Executive Director Datin Paduka Siti Sadiah binti Sheikh Bakir Non Independent Non Executive Director   During the KFCH`s period of services, below show the awards and achievement of the KFCH from year 2008 until year 2010: Award Year Awarding Body Trusted Brand 2010 Yum! Brands Readers Digest Most Trusted Brands 2010 Readers Digest Putra Brand Award 2010 (Silver) 2010 Putra Brand Awards Association of Accredited Industrial Excellence Award for Service Sector 2008 Malaysia 100 Brand Excellence in Product Branding for Fast Food Chicken Category 2008 Brand Laureate KFC People Excellence Award 2008 Yum! Brands Best Operations Excellence Award 2008 Yum! Brands Restaurant Excellence Award 2008 Yum! Brands Marketing Excellence Award 2008 Yum! Brands Franchisee Of The Year 2008 Yum! Brands Yum! Reel Advertising Excellence Brand 2009 Yum! Brands Effie Award (Bronze) 2009 Effie Readers Digest Most Trusted Brands 2009 Readers Digest Franchisee Of The Year 2009 Yum! BrandsTable 1.1: KFC`s award and achievement from 2008 to 2010. Award Year Awarding Body Best Brand Category 2008 Brand Laureate Outstanding Product Innovation Award 2009 Malaysian Livestock Industry Awards [emailprotected] Awards 2009 Livestock Asia Expo Forum Table 1.2: Ayamas`s award and achievement from 2008 to 2009. Nature of Business KFCH handles over 620 KFC outlets comprising of Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Cambodia and India and over 35 RasaMas restaurants in Malaysia and Brunei. Over the year, KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd. (KFC Holdings) improve in advancement of fast-food with its original recipe of kentucky fried chicken, KFC Holdings also engaged in the business of poultry, processing, restaurants and property holding. Other than that, KFC Holdings is also engaged in operating hatchery, breeder farms, poultry retail and convenience food store chains. Chicken, fresh bun, cakes, snacks, sauces, chicken rice meals and Freezer to Fryer products are the examples of products offered by the company. The businesses units serve by KFC Holdings are: Restaurants KFC and RasaMas Ayamas retail Poultry Integration Ancillary Operations Restaurants KFC is the best-established brands in Western Quick Service Restaurants market not only in Malaysia but also worldwide. Report has been recorded that over 620 KFC restaurants in Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Cambodia and India. Recent product was emerged by KFC Holdings such as Egg Tart offer to customers as a variety alternative to attract peoples. Successful first steps were taken by the company to re-brand Rasa Ayamas outlets by established RasaMas as dine-in restaurants. The first Rasa Ayamas Restaurant opened in 1996 and the aims is to brings all its ready-to-eat cooked food under the Rasa Ayamas name also to promote the Ayamas processed products to all Malaysians citizen. Ayamas Retail Ayamas Retail is Malaysia`s first branded poultry retail chain established by KFC Holdings. The services given by the Ayamas is to sell chicken and chicken-based products in an air-conditioned environment to fulfill customers need. It is also offer a selection of chicken roasters and light, chicken-based snacks. In 1988, the first convenience store was opened at Seapark and afterwards there are about 52 stores under the name Kedai Ayamas. The products are at tip-top of quality halal branded chicken that been processes and packaging by the company`s own processing plants. Poultry Integration The KFC Holdings processing plants process poultry for restaurants around the nationwide while focusing to achieve cost-efficiency while maintaining halal and high quality standards. The poultry integrator and operations consist of breeder farms and hatchery, feed mills, poultry farms, contract broiler farming and processing and further processing plants was undertaken by the Ayamas Food Corporation Bhd. Other than that, the Ayamas operations also to supply whole chicken and cut chicken parts further processes chicken product to the domestic market as well as to export the products to nearby country such as Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong and Middle East. Figure 1.2: Marketing division of Ayamas Poultry Integrations. Ancillary Operations KFC Holdings on its own complement core business then take benefits from an integrated ancillary support system that comprises the sauce manufacturing, bakery and commissary operations. The Region Food Industries Sdn Bhd (RFI) is the company that leading the sauce manufacturers with producing about 12 million bottles per annum. Financial Performance Figure 1.3: Graph shows the performance of KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd on 11 February 2011. The financial performance was reported that the company resulting a moderate improvement on the services that provided by the company since it was established. Through its subsidiaries, the company operates in three segments known as restaurants, integrated poultry and ancillary. Since that, the company became strengthen and establishes franchises around Malaysia as the financial performance show a good condition. Chairman of KFC Holdings said that sales at restaurants since its open more than a year jumped 16 percent in 2008,double the rate of 2007 and then three times faster than the global average for KFC outlets. KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd., the best performer on the nation`s benchmark stock index, said it will sustain the fastest growth in at least 10 years as demand for deep-fried chicken defies an economic slowdown (Chan Tien Hi, December 3, 2008). KFC SALES GROWTH RATES Table 1.3: Summary of Earnings Table of KFC Holdings (M) from 2005 until 2009. Table 1.4: P L Breakdown of KFC Holdings (M) from 2005 until 2009. The table 1.3 and 1.4 on previous page shows the sales growth rates of KFC Holdings (M) from year 2005 until 2009. It was shown that KFC Berhad remains by far one of the cheapest mid-large cap consumer companies in Malaysia. It can be seen on the table of the overleaf for regional comparison. The sales growth rate was increased from 2005 to 2009 for example the Dividend Yield on year 2005 is 2.5 percent then each year been increased which year 2009, the yield is increased to 7.8 percent. It was reported that KFC Holdings generated revenue of RM1, 206, 9 million which accounted for a 10.9 percent increase over 2009. Since the sales increased over the country and show good performances, the number of Malaysian KFC outlets has increased to 399 in 2007 and now was increased to 500 outlets all around Malaysia. It is also was expected that the number of outlets will increase by the year of 2012. At end of March 2007, the research house imputing that 2 percent of selling price was implemented by Malaysian KFC outlets, and 3 to 4 percent selling price increase implemented at Singapore KFC outlets in November 2006. Since the selling price increased, KFC branches were growing fastest around nationwide. Apart from that, KFC Holdings (M) also increased the number of Ayamas Restaurant outlets to 19 from 14 outlets for 2007 and then from 14 to 21 outlets for 2008. The growth accelerated earnings by this company in 2QFY09 (+4.2%yoy to RM31.7m) as compared with +1.4%yoy in 1QFY09. The higher growth was due to higher contribution and better margin from KFC restaurant division. Chart 1.1: KFC Turnover breakdown (9M06) on 2006 Chart 1.2: KFC Pretax profit breakdown (9M06) on 2006 Below show the pie charts of turnover breakdown and pretax profit breakdown for KFC Holdings (M) on year 2006. Chart 1.2 show that the earnings that been driven by KFC restaurants chains, which account for almost 90 percent of group pretax profit. The turnover breakdown by year 2006 was almost 60 percent. Overall, it was expected that KFC is deliver mid-single digit revenue growth, which driven by high single digit growth in Malaysia KFC restaurant operations. SALES TREND Figure 1.4: KFC Holdings (M) sales growth from 2005 until 2009. Figure above shows the sales growth of KFC Holdings (M) from year 2005 to 2009. It is show that the sales were decreased from 6.5 percent on 2005 to 4.4 percent on 2006. Then the sales were decreased once again on year 2007 and record the growth about 4.0 percent. The sales were decreased because of the economic growth for the year came with a mà ©lange of highs and lows whereby the country at that time was unstable due to fuel crisis. This crisis bring on the the impact of higher food and oil prices left a reduction in consumption and business profits. However, on 2008, the economic began stable therefore the domestic sales prospects of KFC Holdings of Malaysia were increased due to stability of economic. As a result, sales growth for the whole of 2008 inclined increased to 5.0 percent compared to 4.0 percent in 2007. During the year of 2008, KFC Malaysia aggressively drove restaurant image enhancements. Many steps were taken to improve the overall KFC dining experience for the valued customer. For year 2009, KFC Malaysia became strong market activities and launch a disciplined operations therefore the sales transaction and profitability was increased again in 2009 with 7.2 percentages compared the year before. Expansion of restaurant at that times record greater growth in Peninsular Malaysia region also in Sabah and Sarawak regions. The expected increases in sales growth of KFC`s products was due to ongoing enhancement measures and the strong supportive of valued customers. YEAR SNACK DINNER 1985 3.95 4.95 1996 5.30 6.60 2004 6.70 8.80 Present 6.80 8.90 Table 1.5: Snapshots of KFC`s meal prices during selective periods from year 1985 until now. Since year of 1985, the price of KFC`s meals were become increased due to economic growth ever since. However, since the economic grew more standardize, the price of KFC`S meals were increased according  to  currency appreciation  and  the economy.  The people of  Malaysia  are also able  to  buy  the  KFC`s meals at reasonable price. However, this factor was not affecting the buyers but every year the sales growth even more increased. Years ago, the prices of meals at KFC were costly in range of RM3.00 to RM5.00. These days, getting a decent meal at KFC which include snack plate and a drink, inclusive of service charges were costly less than RM9.00 to RM10.00, which is not much more expensive than dining at hawker shops. CONCLUSION The economic growth of our country came with a mà ©lange of highs and lows. Sometimes the economic condition is at a stable place whereby the economic growth was steady. However, since fuel crisis came up in year 2007, the global economic downturn created cautionary, volatile and fragile market by year end. Since the crisis came up, the sales rates of KFC Holdings (M) was record downturn due to the impact of higher food and oil prices. The group of KFC Holdings (M) were trying to survive by came up with a lots of plan strategies to further the operations of the group. KFC group were committed to enhance performance during that year by introduced new meals to the restaurants and new product to the Ayamas Retails. Since the strategies were launched, in 2008, the group recorded an impressive revenue growth of 26 percent to RM2, 179.8 million from RM1, 703.4 million in 2007. In the previous year, the profit before tax also increased to RM167.5 million against RM150.6 million. The increasing of stellar performance also resulted on earnings per share whereby in 31st December 2007, it was recorded that the increased by 13.7 percent from 52.59 sen to 59.78 sen in 31st December 2008. On that year, the revenue from KFC restaurants contributed about 75 percent to the Group`s total turnover, 20 percent and 5 percent was contributed by the poultry and ancillary businesses. Since that, the improvement of KFCH`s sales growth become surprisingly increased in year 2009. Therefore, on 2nd January 2009, KFCH became a subsidiary of QSR Brands Bhd (QSR) and record that there is another 865,300 ordinary KFCH shares, increasing the QSR`s total holding in KFCH to 50.25 percent. This is became the significant milestone for the group to enhance the management capability on the sales growth of the business. The benefit of long term is to exercise result in management stability and positive income contribution of the group. Now the business of KFCH were at its stable condition and expand more further resulting on the increasing of sales growth each year. Since now and then, KFC becomes the biggest Malaysian fast-food operator with about 500 franchises of KFC restaurants and 26 of Ayamas outlets all around the country.

Essay --

Hikmat berbicara tentang kekayaan. Hikmat bicara tentang kekuatan. Mungkin beberapa dari kita bertanya-tanya, â€Å"bagaimana bisa hikmat sama dengan uang? Bagaimana bisa hikmat sama dengan perhiasan? Bagaimana bisa hikmat sama dengan takhta?† Kalian benar. Mereka memang tidak sama. Justru hikmat lebih berharga daripada itu semua. Menurut saya hikmat jauh lebih berharga dari apapun, karena dengan hikmat kita bisa menghasilkan uang, meraih kekayaan dan bisa berkuasa. Maka dari itu saya lebih menghargai hikmat daripada hal yang keliatannya berharga itu. Manfaat hikmat bisa saya lihat dari hidup seorang Gusdur, Presiden Indonesia yang ke-4. Ia menggantikan posisi seorang yang luar biasa yaitu B.J. Habibie yang bisa merakit pesawat. Hal tersebut memang luar biasa, tetapi saya lebih mengagumi hikmat serta wibawa yang ada di diri Gusdur (bernama asli Abdurrahman Wahid). Ia memberi contoh yang luar biasa bagi bangsa ini. Ia membunuh rasisme, menghentikan ‘perang’ antar agama. Ia berhasil mengubah pandangan tiap suku terhadap suku lain. Lewat hal ini, ia membuat setiap orang dari setiap kalang...

Monday, August 19, 2019

EMMA :: essays research papers fc

The differences between Emma By Jane Austen and The History of Mary Prince By Mary Prince   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The differences between Emma by Jane Austen, a classical novel, and the autobiographical slave narrative, The History of Mary Prince are many and varied, but what stood out in my mind most prominently was the difference in character development. The novel delved very deeply into the life, character, breeding, make-up, and personality of it’s subjects, but the narrative, instead, developed Prince in breadth, not depth. While each approach gave the reader insight into the respective lead characters, one came away with a better understanding of who Emma was and why.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A novel is a long work of written fiction. Most novels involve many characters and tell a complex story by positioning the characters in a number of different situations. A novels chief interest is in the human character as it manifests in society. The individual naming of the characters in a novel gives singularity to each person. Novels tend to be richly detailed and often have an exhaustive analysis of human relationships. In a novel, the writer has the freedom to develop the plot, characters, motifs, and theme slowly. The novelist can also circle the main plot with subplots that flesh out the tale. Furthermore, novels have numerous shifts in time, place, and focus of interest. Because a novel is a concentrated segment of life, the ending is usually drawn to a pre-designed conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A narrative is the autobiography of one’s life experiences and views. It is usually written in the first person point of view and records a long and complicated journey from one’s life experiences. Many narratives are documents of propaganda, which have a clear sense of their audience. The question of identity is often central to the genre in narratives,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 as many are quests for identity. In many female slave narratives, motherhood tends to be a central theme. Ultimately, narratives elicit sympathy and empathy from their audience and are written to win approval of different actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I feel that the major differences between a novel and a narrative are characteristic detail and development and the level of interactions between characters. Furthermore, a novel is a fictional piece of writing which is created by the author, who uses imagination and past life experiences of their life to make the story. In contrast, a narrative is a one dimensional autobiography which is created by the narrator who shares their own personal life story with the reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After a close-reading of each text, I found both writings to be very different from EMMA :: essays research papers fc The differences between Emma By Jane Austen and The History of Mary Prince By Mary Prince   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The differences between Emma by Jane Austen, a classical novel, and the autobiographical slave narrative, The History of Mary Prince are many and varied, but what stood out in my mind most prominently was the difference in character development. The novel delved very deeply into the life, character, breeding, make-up, and personality of it’s subjects, but the narrative, instead, developed Prince in breadth, not depth. While each approach gave the reader insight into the respective lead characters, one came away with a better understanding of who Emma was and why.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A novel is a long work of written fiction. Most novels involve many characters and tell a complex story by positioning the characters in a number of different situations. A novels chief interest is in the human character as it manifests in society. The individual naming of the characters in a novel gives singularity to each person. Novels tend to be richly detailed and often have an exhaustive analysis of human relationships. In a novel, the writer has the freedom to develop the plot, characters, motifs, and theme slowly. The novelist can also circle the main plot with subplots that flesh out the tale. Furthermore, novels have numerous shifts in time, place, and focus of interest. Because a novel is a concentrated segment of life, the ending is usually drawn to a pre-designed conclusion.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A narrative is the autobiography of one’s life experiences and views. It is usually written in the first person point of view and records a long and complicated journey from one’s life experiences. Many narratives are documents of propaganda, which have a clear sense of their audience. The question of identity is often central to the genre in narratives,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 as many are quests for identity. In many female slave narratives, motherhood tends to be a central theme. Ultimately, narratives elicit sympathy and empathy from their audience and are written to win approval of different actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I feel that the major differences between a novel and a narrative are characteristic detail and development and the level of interactions between characters. Furthermore, a novel is a fictional piece of writing which is created by the author, who uses imagination and past life experiences of their life to make the story. In contrast, a narrative is a one dimensional autobiography which is created by the narrator who shares their own personal life story with the reader.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After a close-reading of each text, I found both writings to be very different from

Sunday, August 18, 2019

How The Eustace Diamonds Changes Representations of Femininity Essay

How The Eustace Diamonds Changes Representations of Femininity in Vanity Fair Since Anthony Trollope published The Eustace Diamonds (1872), readers have associated Lizzie Eustace with Becky Sharp of William Makepeace Thackeray’s Vanity Fair (1848) (John Hall 378). Both Becky and Lizzie perform a femininity made all the more dangerous by contrast to the femininity of their idealized counterparts, Amelia and Lucy. Both novels involve a man’s choice between satisfying his sexual desire for the dangerous girl and fulfilling his promise to the ideal girl. As is typical in Victorian novels, the narrators spend more time exploring the bad girl option than the less-exciting alternative. In the context of denying the novel’s focus on Lizzie, Trollope’s narrator furthers the connection between the two bad girls by recalling Becky: Although the first two chapters of this new history have been devoted to the fortunes and personal attributes of Lady Eustace, the historian begs his readers not to believe that opulent and aristocratic Becky Sharp is to assume the dignity of heroine in the forthcoming pages (57). Given the difficulty of imagining how Trollope could have spent more time telling Lizzie’s story, the novel itself belies this statement; readers know that the bad girls are the heroines of both novels. Critics have noted the similarity between the two novels, but they have not really explored it. I want to argue that to understand the relationship between the good girl and bad girl in each novel, we have to move out from the dichotomy itself to the third term that determines the meaning of the other two: the woman who comes from abroad. I will argue that it is the shift that occurs in t... ... McLennan, John. Studies in Ancient History: Comprising a Reprint of Primitive Marriage. London: Macmillan, 1886. Miller, Andrew. Novels Behind Glass: Commodity, Culture, and Victorian Narrative. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. Nunokawa, Jeff. The Afterlife of Property: Domestic Security and the Victorian Novel. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. Psomiades, Kathy. â€Å"Heterosexual Exchange and Other Victorian Fictions: The Eustace Diamonds and Victorian Anthropology.† Novel: A Forum on Fiction 33.1 (1999): 93-118. Thackeray, William Makepeace. Vanity Fair. John Carey, ed. London: Penguin Books, 2001. Thackeray, W.M. Vanity Fair. John Sutherland, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. Trollope, Anthony. The Eustace Diamonds. Stephen Gill and John Sutherland, eds. London: Penguin Books, 1969.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Leopold the Land Ethic

â€Å"The Land Ethic† by Aldo Leopold â€Å"The Land Ethic†is an individual essay that was collected from the major publication â€Å"The Sand County Almanac† written by Aldo Leopold during his life time, and it was published one year after his death in 1949. This essay was read by many people during his lifetime and was a powerful force in ecological sphere for many years. Leopold collected all his knowledge in this major publication, and in â€Å"The Land Ethic† he calls for people's attention in order to preserve the environment, protect the land from changing, and protect species from the extinction.Aldo Leopold in â€Å"The Lend Ethic† explains to his readers what is meant by land ethic. It's a sort of combination of rules about what is right and what is wrong, and Leopold writes that it â€Å"is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community† and â€Å"is wrong when it tends otherwise†. In the chapter â€Å"The Ecological Conscience† Leopold writes that this ecological set of â€Å"rules† can not be written down on a paper as a book of laws, because â€Å"obligations have no meaning without conscience, and the problem we face is the extension of the social conscience from people to land†.What the author means is that people must take action by following the rules either written on paper or not. â€Å"Education must precede rules† writes Leopold in his essay. People should be more educated regarding the conservations they have and understand that without land ethic there is going to be no â€Å"place to compete for†. In my point of view, Leopold is absolutely right at this point and as a result, we can see thousands of species that are already extinct forever from the face of the planet. Our future generations will not have a chance to see them.As an example, Wikipedia Encyclopedia gives a wide variety of those species that were extinct and will never be seen on this planet. The tragic part is that most of those species disappeared as a result of mankind's unethical decisions. That is why it is so important to understand the idea and the whole point of the land ethic in order to truly follow the â€Å"unwritten† rules of ethic. Leopold raises one of the very important issues of the humanity today, and it is a land use. By mentioning the land Leopold means â€Å"soils, waters, plants, and animals†.He concerned about how people can abuse the land in nowadays and exterminate all resources that it provides. When the author talks about resources he says that lend ethic suppose to â€Å"affirm their right to continued existence†. The main ideology of the land ethic is that people should be responsible for their actions when they use land and keep it in the original condition like they received it when they came on this land. In my point of view, in order for people to establish the kind of l and ethic that Leopold describes, people should take action seriously on what is happening today.People should switch to a clean natural energy sources like wind, water, and sun. There should be stricter regulations on factorial’s waste, because still most of the factories dump into the close by river or ocean, which causes deaths of thousands of animals. Cars and trucks should minimize exhaust gases in a larger proportion then we see it today, because only very few people can afford driving expensive electric cars or hybrids. Those types of cars should be more accessible through cheaper prices and government help.As of today, our government doesn't help people who are concerned about the environment, and there is no budget for that. Government doesn't see any economical advantage in helping those people, because â€Å"the evidence had to be economic in order to be valid† – writes Leopold in â€Å"Substitutes for a Land Ethic†. In my point of view, this i s a critical mistake, and I agree with Leopold at his point, that â€Å"a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided†. Today's ideology is if some species don’t have any economic value they will be exterminated.For example, timber crops â€Å"grow too slowly, or have too low a sale value to pay†. Moreover, it's not only some specific species that luck on economic value, but there are entire biotic communities, like â€Å"marshes, bogs, dunes, and deserts†. Is that mean that we should get rid of those things as well? Things like dunes and deserts are homes for millions of species. In order for people to develop a conscience with regard to their use and abuse of the land, they should clearly understand the land pyramid system.Leopold talks about the importance of the land pyramid in â€Å"The Land Ethic†. The land pyramid is a sort of a food chain structure, where mankind is tightly involved. Soil, plants, in sects, and animals are all tightly involved in this food chain and cannot survive without the existence of one another. Soil provides food for plants, plants for insects, insects for animals, and â€Å"man shares an intermediate layer with the bears, raccoons, and squirrels which eat both meat and vegetables†.At this point, people should clearly realize that by exterminating of one of these layers humankind exterminates itself. By abusing the land people can loose everything they have today, and it can be no future for people. Realizing people's position in the land pyramid can help people to understand how important it is to protect every single layer of the pyramid, and preserve what they have. In my point of view, people should follow land ethics and respect what the land gives them. People should be thankful to the land for what it gives them.For example, when it comes to the use of natural resources, people should think about the environment and not damage what was natur ally created. They should not interfere or destroy the natural cycle, otherwise it can lead to disastrous consequences. Even though people don't see from their perspective that some things such as dunes, deserts, and rocks can bring economical or financial value, it doesn't mean that they can get rid of them. They are valued beyond an economical standpoint; they can protect lands from flooding and prevent millions of species from extinction.When it comes to me personally and what I do in order to follow ethical values, I take responsibility for my actions. For example, I recycle plastic bottles and bags, or when I go out to the forest with my friends I never leave trash behind. Maybe my actions seem too little when it comes to a global issues, but I believe that anything big starts from a little. I really hope that more people will follow Leopold's ideas, and all together we can make a difference. | | Leopold the Land Ethic â€Å"The Land Ethic† by Aldo Leopold â€Å"The Land Ethic†is an individual essay that was collected from the major publication â€Å"The Sand County Almanac† written by Aldo Leopold during his life time, and it was published one year after his death in 1949. This essay was read by many people during his lifetime and was a powerful force in ecological sphere for many years. Leopold collected all his knowledge in this major publication, and in â€Å"The Land Ethic† he calls for people's attention in order to preserve the environment, protect the land from changing, and protect species from the extinction.Aldo Leopold in â€Å"The Lend Ethic† explains to his readers what is meant by land ethic. It's a sort of combination of rules about what is right and what is wrong, and Leopold writes that it â€Å"is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community† and â€Å"is wrong when it tends otherwise†. In the chapter â€Å"The Ecological Conscience† Leopold writes that this ecological set of â€Å"rules† can not be written down on a paper as a book of laws, because â€Å"obligations have no meaning without conscience, and the problem we face is the extension of the social conscience from people to land†.What the author means is that people must take action by following the rules either written on paper or not. â€Å"Education must precede rules† writes Leopold in his essay. People should be more educated regarding the conservations they have and understand that without land ethic there is going to be no â€Å"place to compete for†. In my point of view, Leopold is absolutely right at this point and as a result, we can see thousands of species that are already extinct forever from the face of the planet. Our future generations will not have a chance to see them.As an example, Wikipedia Encyclopedia gives a wide variety of those species that were extinct and will never be seen on this planet. The tragic part is that most of those species disappeared as a result of mankind's unethical decisions. That is why it is so important to understand the idea and the whole point of the land ethic in order to truly follow the â€Å"unwritten† rules of ethic. Leopold raises one of the very important issues of the humanity today, and it is a land use. By mentioning the land Leopold means â€Å"soils, waters, plants, and animals†.He concerned about how people can abuse the land in nowadays and exterminate all resources that it provides. When the author talks about resources he says that lend ethic suppose to â€Å"affirm their right to continued existence†. The main ideology of the land ethic is that people should be responsible for their actions when they use land and keep it in the original condition like they received it when they came on this land. In my point of view, in order for people to establish the kind of l and ethic that Leopold describes, people should take action seriously on what is happening today.People should switch to a clean natural energy sources like wind, water, and sun. There should be stricter regulations on factorial’s waste, because still most of the factories dump into the close by river or ocean, which causes deaths of thousands of animals. Cars and trucks should minimize exhaust gases in a larger proportion then we see it today, because only very few people can afford driving expensive electric cars or hybrids. Those types of cars should be more accessible through cheaper prices and government help.As of today, our government doesn't help people who are concerned about the environment, and there is no budget for that. Government doesn't see any economical advantage in helping those people, because â€Å"the evidence had to be economic in order to be valid† – writes Leopold in â€Å"Substitutes for a Land Ethic†. In my point of view, this i s a critical mistake, and I agree with Leopold at his point, that â€Å"a system of conservation based solely on economic self-interest is hopelessly lopsided†. Today's ideology is if some species don’t have any economic value they will be exterminated.For example, timber crops â€Å"grow too slowly, or have too low a sale value to pay†. Moreover, it's not only some specific species that luck on economic value, but there are entire biotic communities, like â€Å"marshes, bogs, dunes, and deserts†. Is that mean that we should get rid of those things as well? Things like dunes and deserts are homes for millions of species. In order for people to develop a conscience with regard to their use and abuse of the land, they should clearly understand the land pyramid system.Leopold talks about the importance of the land pyramid in â€Å"The Land Ethic†. The land pyramid is a sort of a food chain structure, where mankind is tightly involved. Soil, plants, in sects, and animals are all tightly involved in this food chain and cannot survive without the existence of one another. Soil provides food for plants, plants for insects, insects for animals, and â€Å"man shares an intermediate layer with the bears, raccoons, and squirrels which eat both meat and vegetables†.At this point, people should clearly realize that by exterminating of one of these layers humankind exterminates itself. By abusing the land people can loose everything they have today, and it can be no future for people. Realizing people's position in the land pyramid can help people to understand how important it is to protect every single layer of the pyramid, and preserve what they have. In my point of view, people should follow land ethics and respect what the land gives them. People should be thankful to the land for what it gives them.For example, when it comes to the use of natural resources, people should think about the environment and not damage what was natur ally created. They should not interfere or destroy the natural cycle, otherwise it can lead to disastrous consequences. Even though people don't see from their perspective that some things such as dunes, deserts, and rocks can bring economical or financial value, it doesn't mean that they can get rid of them. They are valued beyond an economical standpoint; they can protect lands from flooding and prevent millions of species from extinction.When it comes to me personally and what I do in order to follow ethical values, I take responsibility for my actions. For example, I recycle plastic bottles and bags, or when I go out to the forest with my friends I never leave trash behind. Maybe my actions seem too little when it comes to a global issues, but I believe that anything big starts from a little. I really hope that more people will follow Leopold's ideas, and all together we can make a difference. | |